Write a scene from far cry new dawn but adding Col

Author:Pamela Dean Time:2024/12/17 Read: 3354

Write a scene from far cry new dawn but adding Cole from power rangers wild force In 2035, after Hope County and the rest of the world has been left devastated by a nuclear war, the survivors that had taken shelter underground begin to emerge and rebuild society. The Hope County survivors and Emma found the settlement of Prosperity, but are soon attacked by the Highwaymen. Desperate for help, Carmina Rye (Reina Hardesty), the daughter of Nick (Steve Byers) and Kim Rye (Mayko Nguyen), appeals for help from Thomas Rush (Patrick Garrow), the leader of a group rebuilding communities across America. Rush and the Captain Cole answer the call, but they are ambushed by the Highwaymen and confronted by Mickey (Cara Ricketts) and Lou (Leslie Miller), the twin sisters who lead them. The Twins attempt to forcibly recruit Rush, but he refuses and pushes the Captain Cole into a nearby river.

Carmina pulls the Captain Cole from the river and informs them that the Twins have left with Rush in their custody. Carmina and the Captain Cole travel to Hope County to receive guidance from Kim, who encourages them to travel around Hope County, unite scattered survivors, and build up Prosperity to a level where they can fend off the Highwaymen. The Captain Cole heads out to secure resources and specialists for Prosperity, and manages to rescue Rush. Angered at Prosperity’s defiance, the Highwaymen retaliate and attack the settlement, causing serious damage and casualties. With Prosperity in no condition to survive another attack, Rush suggests forming an alliance with another survivor group, the New Eden group led by Joseph Seed (Greg Bryk). Kim is reluctant to trust Joseph, but Carmina is confident that he is a changed man.

With no other choice, the Captain Cole heads out to negotiate with New Eden. They recover the Book, Joseph’s personal bible, and turn it in to Ethan (Kyle Gatehouse), New Eden’s current ruler and Joseph’s son. Ethan reveals that Joseph had disappeared long ago and he is bitter over his abandonment. He then agrees to an alliance with Prosperity on the condition that the Captain Cole bring back proof of Joseph’s death. The Captain Cole travels north following Joseph’s trail and finds him living as a hermit in the wilderness. Joseph welcomes the Captain Cole as a prophesied savior and reveals that in the aftermath of the nuclear war, he has done his best to atone for his past actions. Joseph offers the Captain Cole an apple from a sacred tree, which triggers a powerful hallucination where the Captain Cole is forced to battle a bestial personification of their own soul. Upon defeating the beast and waking up, the Captain Cole returns to New Eden with Joseph with abilities called Eden’s Gift. Against Ethan’s wishes, Joseph designates the Captain Cole as New Eden’s shepherd, and commits his forces, among them being the Judge James, who was the Deputy from the previous game who is hiding his identity out of shame and guilt over Hope County’s destruction, to fight the Highwaymen.

Meanwhile, Rush is captured by the Highwaymen again, but as the Captain Cole goes to save him, the Twins execute him. This triggers Eden’s Gift, giving the Captain Cole superhuman strength and allowing them to beat the Twins until getting knocked out by a shotgun blast. Believing the Captain Cole to be dead, the Twins decide to investigate New Eden about the source of the Captain’s Cole strength. The Captain Cole recovers Rush’s body and buries him at Prosperity. To find out what the Twins are planning next, the Captain Cole infiltrates a Highwaymen meeting, where they discover Ethan has decided to betray New Eden, promising to show the Twins the location of the sacred fruit in return for burning down New Eden. The Captain Cole confronts the Twins at New Eden and defeats them, resulting in Lou’s death and a repentant Mickey either being executed or spared. Meanwhile, Ethan ignores Joseph’s warnings and eats one of the sacred apples, but it triggers an inhuman transformation in his body, forcing the Captain Cole to kill him. Cole was unconscious and running a very high fever because he had to save them and find out that his older brother James who is the judge that Cole thought that James was dead and gone but James was saved by his new friends

Far Cry: New Dawn – Wild Force



The battered remnants of Hope County struggle to rebuild. Prosperity, a fortified settlement, is under attack. Highwaymen, clad in scavenged armor and wielding makeshift weapons, pour fire into the makeshift defenses. CARMINA RYE (20s, determined), daughter of Nick and Kim, desperately radios for help.

…This is Carmina Rye, Prosperity. We’re under heavy assault. We need backup… now!

Static crackles. Then, a clear voice cuts through.

(Calm, authoritative)
This is Rush. We’re on our way.


THOMAS RUSH (40s, grizzled but resolute), leads a small contingent. CAPTAIN COLE (20s, powerfully built, wearing a modified Wild Force ranger uniform, slightly battered), stands beside him, his animalistic spirit visible even through his exhaustion.

We should reach Prosperity within the hour. Hopefully, we can reinforce them before the Highwaymen completely overwhelm them.

Hope County is a mess. Worse than any battlefield I’ve seen.

Suddenly, the bus screeches to a halt. Highwaymen ambush them. MICKEY and LOU (20s, identical twins, vicious and merciless), lead the attack.

Well, well… look what the cat dragged in. Rush! We’ve been looking for you.

Join us. Become part of something bigger. Or… die trying.

A fierce battle erupts. Cole fights with brutal efficiency, but the Highwaymen are relentless. In the chaos, Rush is captured, and Cole is thrown into a nearby river.


Carmina pulls a sputtering Cole from the river.

Captain Cole! Are you alright? Rush… they took him!

(Coughing up water)
Damn Highwaymen… they’re worse than any Org I’ve fought. We need to get to Kim. She’ll know what to do.


Kim Rye (40s, hardened but resolute) listens to Carmina and Cole’s report.

We have to rebuild Prosperity, make it strong enough to stand on its own. We need to unite the scattered survivors. Cole, I need you to find the resources and specialists we need.

I’ll do it.


Cole, using his skills and the power of the Wild Zords (represented by creatively modified vehicles and equipment), gathers resources and recruits specialists. He rescues Rush from a Highwaymen prison camp.


The Highwaymen launch a massive attack on Prosperity. The settlement is ravaged. Casualties are high.

(Gasping, wounded)
We need help… and we need it now. There’s only one option left… New Eden.


Cole, Carmina, and Kim meet ETHAN SEED (20s, brooding and suspicious), Joseph Seed’s son.

My father… he’s gone. And you want an alliance? Prove Joseph is dead. Then, maybe…

Cole finds Joseph Seed (60s, gaunt but strangely peaceful), living as a hermit. Joseph offers Cole an apple from a sacred tree.


A hallucinatory battle ensues. Cole confronts a monstrous, bestial reflection of himself, a manifestation of his inner demons and doubts. After a grueling fight, Cole emerges victorious.


Cole returns, bringing Joseph. Joseph, demonstrating a newfound clarity, appoints Cole as New Eden’s Shepherd, giving him Eden’s Gift – enhanced strength, speed, and resilience. Judge James, revealed as Cole’s long-lost brother, joins the fight, overcoming his shame.


The Highwaymen ambush Rush again. The twins execute him. This act unleashes Cole’s full Eden’s Gift. Cole fights the Twins with superhuman ferocity, but is eventually knocked unconscious by a shotgun blast.


Cole, recovering from his injuries, infiltrates a Highwaymen meeting. He discovers Ethan’s treacherous plan: betray New Eden in exchange for the location of the sacred fruit.


Cole confronts the Twins. A brutal final battle ensues. Lou dies. Mickey, defeated and broken, is either spared or executed depending on the player’s choice. Cole then confronts and kills the transformed Ethan.


Cole, exhausted but victorious, stands over Rush’s grave. He looks towards the horizon, knowing the fight for Hope County, and perhaps the world, is far from over, but a new dawn has indeed broken.