Write a scene from Kim possible season 2 episode 2

Author:Pamela Dean Time:2024/12/06 Read: 5008

Write a scene from Kim possible season 2 episode 21 “The Full Monkey” but adding Cole from power rangers wild force Kim and accidentally becomes bonded with a mystic amulet while fighting Monkey Fist, and begins transforming into a monkey. Ron must find a way to change them back while avoiding the complications Josh Mankey’s attention may provide James found Cole in a tree vines and Kim possible in a cage chain up Cole was sleeping in a deep state of a Trace and can’t move or talk just sleeping like he was smelling sleeping flowers Cole was in a deep in a spa day and started to walk towards the vines and put a crown

Kim Possible: The Full Monkey (Revised)

Scene: A secluded jungle clearing. Vines hang thick from ancient trees. Kim Possible is chained to a tree, looking distressed. Cole (from Power Rangers Wild Force) lies unconscious, tangled in vines near a sparkling, ornate amulet resting on his chest. Ron Stoppable peers cautiously from behind a large fern.

(SOUND of jungle ambience: insects chirping, distant howls)

RON: (Whispering) Kim! You okay?

KIM: (Strained) Ron! Get me out of here! And look at Cole! He’s… he’s…

Ron cautiously approaches Cole, noticing the amulet glowing faintly.

RON: Whoa, dude. What is THAT? And what happened to Cole? Looks like he had a spa day gone wrong. He was smelling sleeping flowers too.

KIM: Monkey Fist! He ambushed me. Snagged Cole from who-knows-where—James found him in a tree, I think—and I have a feeling that amulet is the key to this whole mess. He’s been muttering something about “primal power” and “transformative energies.” Typical Monkey Fist.

Ron carefully picks up the amulet. It pulses slightly in his hand.

RON: This thing… it feels… weird. Like it’s buzzing.

Suddenly, Cole’s fingers twitch. His eyes flutter open, revealing a dazed expression. He attempts to speak but only manages a strangled gurgle. His body begins to convulse slightly. Fur sprouts on his arms.

KIM: Oh, no.

Cole’s transformation accelerates. His face elongates, his teeth sharpen, and his hands become clawed. He lets out a low, guttural growl.

RON: (Panicked) He’s turning into a monkey! A really buff, potentially dangerous monkey!

KIM: Great. Just great. Now we have a transforming ninja and a hairy problem.

(SOUND of leaves crunching)

Josh Mankey emerges from the jungle, wielding a video camera.

JOSH: (Excitedly) Whoa! Is this a new reality show? “Monkey Mayhem: Wild Force Edition!” This is going to be HUGE!

RON: (Frustrated) Josh! This isn’t a joke! Cole’s turning into a monkey! We need to get that amulet off him!

KIM: (Trying to break free) Get me out of these chains first!

Josh, oblivious, continues filming, zooming in on Cole’s increasingly simian features.

JOSH: I’m gonna need a closer shot of that… uh… fur. Amazing! Total reality TV gold!

Ron, ignoring Josh, focuses on the amulet. He notices tiny symbols etched into its surface.

RON: Wait a minute… these symbols… they look like… (He pulls out his Rufus-created gadget, a translation device) …reverse monkey-transformation runes!

KIM: What? You can actually reverse this?

RON: Maybe. I’ll need to use this to re-channel the amulet’s energy. But I have to do it quick before Cole goes full-gorilla.

Ron, using the device, carefully touches the amulet to Cole’s chest. A bright light erupts, engulfing both Ron and Cole. Josh continues filming, completely unfazed by the mystical light show.

(SOUND of sizzling energy)

The light fades. Cole sits up, shaking his head, completely human again. He looks around confused.

COLE: What… what happened? One minute I’m having a spa day, the next I’m… hairy?

RON: (Relieved) Don’t ask. Just be glad you’re not a monkey anymore.

Kim manages to free herself, then glares at Josh, who’s still recording.

KIM: And you, Mankey, are getting no footage of this. This is classified. Delete that video NOW!

Josh, slightly intimidated by Kim’s glare, reluctantly puts away his camera.