Write a scene from Martin Mystery episodes 3 “The

Author:Pamela Dean Time:2024/12/19 Read: 2767

Write a scene from Martin Mystery episodes 3 “The Creeping Slime” but adding Cole from power rangers wild force Oil rig workers in the South Pacific Ocean start to go missing, their bodies fed on by a huge creature completely covered in slime controlled by a wicked shaman plotting revenge on them for polluting his island Cole was completely covered in slime and was unconscious in slime Cole was under the slime spell and started to walk on all fours acting like a wolf hybrid Martin and Diana and Java take Cole to the center to get tested on M.O.M asked the others to find information on Cole and called his older brother James James was in turtle cove inside the wild force Base till he got a call from a place called the center Cole was in a special cage curled up and started to feel like he was coming back because he heard his older brother James voice inside his mind and see James as he entered his cage James hug Cole tight and asked Martin to go get M.O.M Martin called M.O.M and tell her that James is here and Cole is calming down to James voice M.O.M see James was talking to Cole and gently touch his fur cover hand M.O.M asked James questions about himself and his little brother Cole and why is he a wolf hybrid and not himself James tell M.O.M that Cole has wolf DNA in his system Cole was sleeping in James arms and curled up against James chest James asked M.O.M if he could stay with Cole till he ready to talk again but Cole needs some special time away from his ranger duty and do some special work with Java Diana Martin so James has to take over Cole job till he ready for his ranger job again

Martin Mystery: The Creeping Slime – Extended Cut


MARTIN, DIANA, and JAVA stand around a large, transparent cage containing COLE, completely covered in glistening green slime. He’s unconscious, but his limbs twitch occasionally.

MARTIN: (Concerned) He’s… he’s turning into something. A slimy… wolf-thing?

DIANA: (Examining Cole) The slime seems to be affecting his nervous system, altering his behaviour. He was moving on all fours before we got him here.

JAVA: (Adjusting his glasses) The shaman’s magic is potent, no doubt. This slime isn’t just some ordinary goo. It’s… sentient.

M.O.M. (V.O.): Martin, Diana, Java. Report to my office immediately.

The three rush out of the lab.


M.O.M. sits at her desk, surrounded by holographic displays.

M.O.M.: The slime creature’s attack on the oil rig… it’s directly linked to the shaman’s curse. We need to find out more about Cole’s condition. Find anything out about his background, his… unique physiology?

MARTIN: We know he’s a Power Ranger, but… this wolf hybrid thing… it’s completely new.

DIANA: We’ve found nothing unusual in the standard Ranger files. It seems this aspect of his life is… well, secret.

M.O.M.: Then we’ll have to find someone who knows him better. Find his family. Locate his next of kin.


JAMES, Cole’s older brother, is studying strategy maps, his brow furrowed in concentration. His communicator crackles.

JAMES: (Into communicator) James.

M.O.M. (V.O.): James, this is M.O.M. We have an emergency regarding your brother, Cole.


Cole stirs within the cage. He whimpers softly, his movements still jerky and uncontrolled. Suddenly, he hears a voice – James’ voice – echoing faintly in his mind. He sees a fleeting image of his brother.


James bursts into the lab.

JAMES: Cole!

Cole’s eyes snap open. He sees James and lets out a low whimper, a sound somewhere between a human and a wolf. He curls into a fetal position, the slime receding slightly.

JAMES: (Softly) It’s alright, Cole. I’m here.

He carefully approaches the cage and reaches for his brother. Cole relaxes visibly at James’ touch, nuzzling against his hand.


Martin runs in, breathless.

MARTIN: M.O.M! James is here! Cole’s calming down, just hearing his brother’s voice.

M.O.M. joins them in the lab. She watches James gently touch Cole’s slime-covered hand, stroking his fur. Cole is asleep in James’ arms.

M.O.M.: (To James) Tell me about Cole. This… transformation… his connection to a wolf.

JAMES: Cole… he has wolf DNA. It’s a long story, involving our family’s history. It’s dormant most of the time, but… stress, magic, something like this shaman’s curse… it triggers it.

M.O.M.: So, he’s not completely human.

JAMES: No, ma’am. But he’s still my brother. He needs time, quiet. He needs to be away from his Ranger duties for a while. He can work with Java, Diana, and Martin. Special training.

M.O.M.: Until he’s ready, you’ll take over his ranger duties. I trust you.

Cole stirs in James’ arms, murmuring softly. He curls up against James’ chest.

JAMES: (To M.O.M.) He needs me right now. Can I please stay with him until he’s better?

M.O.M. nods slowly, a rare expression of understanding on her face.

M.O.M.: For now, yes. But we need to understand this… genetic anomaly. This is far beyond anything we’ve encountered before.

The scene fades as James holds Cole close, the brotherly bond strong despite the unusual circumstances.