Write a scene from Martin Mystery episodes 3 “The

Author:Pamela Dean Time:2024/12/20 Read: 6786

Write a scene from Martin Mystery episodes 3 “The Creeping Slime” but adding Cole from power rangers wild force Oil rig workers in the South Pacific Ocean start to go missing, their bodies fed on by a huge creature completely covered in slime controlled by a wicked shaman plotting revenge on them for polluting his island Cole was completely covered in slime and was unconscious in slime Cole was under the slime spell and started to walk on all fours acting like a wolf hybrid Martin and Diana and Java take Cole to the center to get tested on M.O.M asked the others to find information on Cole and called his older brother James James was in turtle cove inside the wild force Base till he got a call from a place called the center Cole was in a special cage curled up and started to feel like he was coming back because he heard his older brother James voice inside his mind and see James as he entered his cage James hug Cole tight and asked Martin to go get M.O.M Martin called M.O.M and tell her that James is here and Cole is calming down to James voice M.O.M see James was talking to Cole and gently touch his fur cover hand M.O.M asked James questions about himself and his little brother Cole and why is he a wolf hybrid and not himself James tell M.O.M that Cole has wolf DNA in his system Cole was sleeping in James arms and curled up against James chest James asked M.O.M if he could stay with Cole till he ready to talk again but Cole needs some special time away from his ranger duty and do some special work with Java Diana Martin so James has to take over Cole job till he ready for his ranger job again Cole was still chain up to the floor and start to do some special breathing exercises till Diana see Cole was talking to James and asked him to feed his Lion zord for him

Martin Mystery: The Creeping Slime (Revised)


Cole, covered in shimmering green slime, lies unconscious in a containment cage. His body is contorted, his movements jerky and animalistic. Martin, Diana, and Java stand nervously beside it. Dr. M.O.M. observes from a monitor.

M.O.M. (V.O.)
His vital signs are erratic. The slime… it’s not just a physical mutagen. There’s a powerful psychic component at play. Find out everything you can about this Cole fellow. His family history, anything.

This slime… it’s like something out of a horror movie. And Cole’s acting like a… a wolf!

(Examining Cole)
His reflexes are hyper-sensitive. He’s responding to stimuli in a primal way.

(Consulting his tablet)
I’ve got something. “Cole Evans,” Wild Force Power Ranger, known for his animalistic fighting style…

Suddenly, Cole’s eyes snap open. They glow with an eerie green light. He crawls on all fours, snarling low in his throat.


James Evans, Cole’s older brother, is meticulously maintaining the Wild Force Zords. His phone rings.


M.O.M. (V.O.)
Mr. Evans? This is Dr. M.O.M. from The Center. Your brother, Cole… he’s in critical condition. We need your help.


James bursts through the doors, concern etched on his face. He rushes to the cage, his eyes widening at the sight of his slime-covered brother.


Cole, hearing his brother’s voice, whimpers softly. The green glow in his eyes dims slightly. He curls up, trembling.

It’s okay, little brother. I’m here.

James reaches through the bars, gently stroking Cole’s slime-covered head. Cole leans into his touch, a sigh escaping his lips.

(Approaching cautiously)
He seems to be responding to you. Remarkable. Tell me, Mr. Evans, what do you know about your brother’s… unique constitution? Why the wolf-like traits?

There’s… a family history of… unusual genetics. Our grandmother told stories of ancestors with animalistic abilities. We always suspected Cole had a higher concentration of… wolf DNA in his system. It’s never manifested like this before.

Cole stirs in James’ arms, his breathing slowing and becoming more regular. He looks peaceful for the first time since arriving at the Center.

(Observing Cole’s calmer state)
Fascinating. The psychic connection with his brother… it’s counteracting the slime’s influence.

(To M.O.M. on the phone)
Dr. M.O.M, James is here! Cole’s calming down dramatically. It’s like James’ presence is neutralizing the slime’s effect!

(On the phone)
Excellent. Mr. Evans, can you tell me more about your skills and training? It might be necessary for Cole to take some time off his ranger duties and… do some special work with Diana, Martin and Java. You would have to temporarily take over his responsibilities.

I understand. I’ll do whatever it takes to help Cole.

Cole, still chained to the floor, starts to perform a series of deep breathing exercises, almost meditative in nature.

(Observing this)
He’s… he’s doing those ancient Qi Gong exercises he used to learn with Master…

Cole opens his eyes, looking directly at James. He mouths a few words.

COLE (whispering)
Lion… Zord… feed…

Don’t worry, little brother. I’ll take care of it.

James looks at Diana with a determined look.

Let’s get this done.