Write a scene from Martin Mystery episodes 3 “The
Author:Pamela Dean Time:2024/12/20 Read: 2967Write a scene from Martin Mystery episodes 3 “The Creeping Slime” but adding Cole from power rangers wild force Oil rig workers in the South Pacific Ocean start to go missing, their bodies fed on by a huge creature completely covered in slime controlled by a wicked shaman plotting revenge on them for polluting his island Cole was completely covered in slime and was unconscious in slime Cole was under the slime spell and started to walk on all fours acting like a wolf hybrid Martin and Diana and Java take Cole to the center to get tested on M.O.M asked the others to find information on Cole and called his older brother James James was in turtle cove inside the wild force Base till he got a call from a place called the center Cole was in a special cage curled up and started to feel like he was coming back because he heard his older brother James voice inside his mind and see James as he entered his cage James hug Cole tight and asked Martin to go get M.O.M Martin called M.O.M and tell her that James is here and Cole is calming down to James voice M.O.M see James was talking to Cole and gently touch his fur cover hand M.O.M asked James questions about himself and his little brother Cole and why is he a wolf hybrid and not himself James tell M.O.M that Cole has wolf DNA in his system Cole was sleeping in James arms and curled up against James chest James asked M.O.M if he could stay with Cole till he ready to talk again but Cole needs some special time away from his ranger duty and do some special work with Java Diana Martin so James has to take over Cole job till he ready for his ranger job again Cole was still chain up to the floor and start to do some special breathing exercises till Diana see Cole was talking to James and asked him to feed his Lion zord for him
Martin Mystery: The Creeping Slime – Expanded
Cole, covered head-to-toe in glistening green slime, lies unconscious in a containment cage. His breathing is ragged. Martin, Diana, and Java stand anxiously beside it. M.O.M.’s voice booms from the speakers.
M.O.M. (V.O.) Analysis confirms a powerful bio-toxin, unlike anything I’ve encountered. It seems to be manipulating his cellular structure, mimicking lycanthropic transformation. Find out everything you can about this… Cole.
MARTIN: (Frustrated) Lycanthropic? He’s turning into a werewolf? This is crazier than that time we fought the sentient rubber ducky!
DIANA: Focus, Martin. M.O.M. needs information on Cole. His background, family… anything.
JAVA: (Typing furiously on his laptop) His ranger file… minimal personal details. Just his name, his power animal, the usual stuff.
M.O.M. (V.O.) I’ve located a potential relative. A James… something. His details are patchy, but he’s registered as being in Turtle Cove. Investigate.
James, clad in casual clothes, is relaxing in the Wild Force base. His phone rings.
JAMES: James speaking… The Center? Cole? What’s wrong?
Martin rushes to the phone, frantically relaying the news to M.O.M.
MARTIN: M.O.M.! We found him! His brother, James, he’s on his way! He’s Cole’s older brother.
M.O.M. (V.O.) Excellent. Monitor the situation.
James bursts into the lab, concern etched on his face. He rushes to the cage where Cole is curled up, whimpering softly. As James approaches, Cole’s breathing slows; his movements become less agitated. He seems to be reacting to James’ presence.
JAMES: Cole? Little brother? It’s me, James.
Cole’s eyes flutter open, revealing a trace of recognition. He whispers James’ name.
COLE (Whispering): James…
James gently touches Cole’s slimed arm. Cole snuggles closer to the bars.
M.O.M. (V.O.) (Observing from a monitor) Fascinating. The subject seems to be responding positively to the presence of his sibling. James, can you tell me about yourself, and your relationship with Cole? Why does he exhibit these… unusual characteristics?
James explains about Cole’s unique physiology – a rare wolf DNA inheritance.
JAMES: Cole’s always been… different. It’s why he was chosen as a ranger. A genetic predisposition to the power, I guess. But this…this slime… it’s amplifying something that was already there.
Cole, drowsy from the ordeal, falls asleep in James’ arms. He’s curled up tightly against his brother’s chest.
JAMES: Can I… can I stay with him? He needs time. Away from the ranger duties. But he still needs to… work with Diana, Martin, and Java. Maybe… maybe I can take over his duties temporarily.
M.O.M. (V.O.) Granted, but observe his condition closely. We will provide specialized care.
Cole, still slightly restrained to the floor, begins slow, controlled breathing exercises. Diana notices.
DIANA: He… he’s calming down. He seems to be communicating with James telepathically.
COLE (Telepathically, to James): My Lion Zord… feed him… please…
JAMES: (To Diana) He wants you to feed his Zord.
Diana nods, her expression a mix of relief and awe.